MAUI TIME 2010-11-04
Arts and Entertainment 

Picks of the Week 4
Remember back in 1997 when the Hawaiian Moving Company profiled The Crayon Artist, Jeffrey Robert? I do, because I was so inspired by Robert's medium-defying use of Crayola (his brand of choice) that during my 'ohana's next trip to Longs, I used my hard-earned macadamia nut-picking money (how else do sixth-graders earn cash?) to buy a brand new 24-count box. There's something entirely exhilarating about a fresh box of crayons, each flat-topped cone tip still mold-perfect. Which reminds me of another piece of TV magic: Maybe being an '80s baby privy to the heyday of Sesame Street is the reason I agree with YouTube user mpizzle13, in that the keiki show's "Making Crayons" video is "PERHAPS THE SINGLE BEST PIECE OF RECORDED MATERIAL IN THE HISTORY OF MANKIND!!!!!!!!!!!" (Visit to watch.) Ah, nostalgia...but I digress. Whether your crayon adoration has already blossomed like the curls of wax from those metal-less sharpeners or if you're simply in search of amazing art of any kind, head West to meet Robert—and watch him in action—at the Diamond Head Gallery this Friday night. He'll also be showcasing signature works from his Blue Honu, Dynamic Surf Art and Whimsical Beachscapes collections. 661-8171,